Magazine Articles

Monday 11 July 2011

Looking after your Mediteranian Herbs by Dave

Rosemary gets quite large, so I usually give it a good sized container if its not going straight in the ground.

For both Rosemary and Thyme, I find the care regime similar.

They both like a sunny spot, and they like it when their soil dried out between watering. I.e. keep them too well watered and they will suffer.

With the Thyme, because it is low growing, be careful not to let taller plants shade it out. It will suffer if it spends too much of its time in the shade.

Both get 'leggy' if you're not careful. You can reduce the problem by regular cutting it back but it is important to cut above the lowest green leaves, as I don't think they can sprout from old wood like some plants.

Rosemary can form very dense top growth and can effectively commit suicide by blocking its own light out by produce too much growth so that the sun can't get right to all the leaves, then it goes brown, then black, then it's pretty much had it. Avoid this by cutting the middle branches away regularly, to form a sort of upside down cone effect so the sun can get to it all.

Its not as fiddly as it sounds, and when you cut the middle out it will quickly start to fill in again so it doesn't look silly.

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